Old Norse Dictionary - símaMeaning of Old Norse word "síma" in English.
As defined by the Cleasby & Vigfusson Old Norse to English dictionary:
- síma
- n., pl. simu, Hkv. 1. 3, Skv. 2. 14, D. n. ii. 1035, declined like auga; the gen. plur. (símna) does not occur, [popular Norse and Dan. sîme]:—a rope, cord; þær ór sandi síma (simo or símu?) undu, Hbl. 18; þær um greiddu gullin símo, Hkv. l. c.; örlög-símo, Skv. l. c.; þeir er á lögðu byr-síma (acc. sing.) ok mik bundu, Vkv. 12; silki-síma, Lex. poët.: in compds, hár-síma (Dan. haar-sime), a ribbon for the hair, Ragn S. (in a verse); lík-síma (q. v.), a leech-line; byr-síma, Vkv. l. c. (uncertain what kind of cord); brúna-síma = hársíma, Lex. poët.; álm-síma, poët. a bow-string, Eg. (in a verse); varr-síma, ‘water-cord,’ the wake formed by a ship: cp. also gör-semi, q. v.
Possible runic inscription in Younger Futhark:ᛋᛁᛘᛅ
Younger Futhark runes were used from 8th to 12th centuries in Scandinavia and their overseas settlements
Abbreviations used:
- acc.
- accusative.
- cp.
- compare.
- Dan.
- Danish.
- gen.
- genitive.
- l.
- line.
- l. c.
- loco citato.
- n.
- neuter.
- pl.
- plural.
- plur.
- plural.
- poët.
- poetically.
- q. v.
- quod vide.
- S.
- Saga.
- sing.
- singular.
- v.
- vide.
- v. l.
- varia lectio.
Works & Authors cited:
- D. N.
- Diplomatarium Norvagicum. (J. II.)
- Eg.
- Egils Saga. (D. II.)
- Hbl.
- Harbarðs-ljóð. (A. I.)
- Hkv.
- Helga-kviða Hundingsbana. (A. II.)
- Lex. Poët.
- Lexicon Poëticum by Sveinbjörn Egilsson, 1860.
- Skv.
- Sigurðar-kviða. (A. II.)
- Vkv.
- Völundar-kviða. (A. II.)
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